Miniatures are in Chicago

So here’s the story on these miniatures… I did these miniatures to go into the holiday exhibit of the Thorne Miniature Rooms Collection at The Art Institute of Chicago.  One of the menorahs will be selected and I’m not sure what else from what I’ve sent.  These are pictures of all of the items I made to be considered for the exhibit.  I am very very honored and excited to have the chance to get my work into such a place as The Art Institute of Chicago, and can’t wait to show you all photos of the pieces in the actual exhibit.  A special thanks to my sister, Mican Morgan, for giving me this opportunity.  It has been really fun so far.

Miniature Menorah

So, here are some pictures of the menorah I’m working on.  I’m working on a second one as well, just in case.  Note the scale folks!  So far this is challenging and fun.  I’m using a low-fire red earthenware clay.  It looks very much like terra-cotta but doesn’t contain sand… easier to work with on this scale.